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水上蹦床 Inflatable Water Blob Jump

Duration 0 minute(s)

想知道飞上天的感觉吗?这项游戏让你体验! 一人坐在巨型气垫床的末端,然后兩人從高台跳下,將气垫上的人弹飞至空中,再痛快的落水! 欢迎挑战各种高度,飞翔及落水姿势!

- 此活动需两人以上才能一起体验。

- 欢迎玩家无限畅玩。

- 9岁以下孩童,不可参与此活动。

- 请听从教练指示,避免不必要的意外。

- 随时配戴救生衣,以确保您的自身安全。

- 现场备有救生员,以确保您的安全。

Want to feel flying to the sky? Try This!

You just need to lie on the air cushion, and 2 of your friends jump down from a high platform and flew you up to the sky. Fly as high as you can! You are welcome to challenge different height and postures!

- This activity require 2 people and above.

- Children below 9 years old are NOT suitable for this activity.

- Please follow the safety instructions that given by instructor.

- Please wear life jacket to keep yourself safe.

- Lifeguard are ready to ensure your safety.

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